street photography workshop in London
1st October 2019

Together with John Hughes, I will be hosting a street photography workshop in London on the 23rd of November. John and I have become friends through photography. We have met several times for photo walks in London and also went shooting together a few times. John is a well-known talented street photographer. I learned a lot from hanging out with him and all the people he's connected me with. He already hosts...

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graphic designer studio portfolio stable diffusion illustration ink
16th September 2019

I know this will sound incomprehensible to most of you: I don’t have a public portfolio on my website. Which looks pretty counterintuitive for a Designer.This article (first published on is not meant to be a suggestion to ditch your own. This works for me for reasons I will elaborate on here, but it might be the wrong choice for everybody else. It could also be for me, but since making...

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mental health, depression, lonely man on a sofa, stable diffusion, illustration, ink, therapy
15th September 2019

– So, I went to see your dad yesterday. He asked me if you’re well.– Uh, yeah. I guess. Why did he ask?– He said the last time he saw you, you never smiled.– Oh. Well, maybe I was tired for the travel.– Then he said he saw your cousin, and he also mentioned when you two met. He felt you were not well either.– Oh, really? This is pretty much when...

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Workshop in Tel Aviv
3rd September 2019

TL;DR: I'll be hosting a photography and editing workshop in Tel Aviv in a couple weeks. It's been almost a year since I went to Israel for the first time. I was there to attend another one of the many OFFF events worldwide. And the Israeli edition was one of the highlights of last year.I can't believe time flies so quickly! But it does indeed. And it's time for me to go...

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