Have some questions?

Hello there!
I am now receiving so many emails that I cannot respond to each one. Hence, I created this contact page.
I will always make the best attempt to get back to you as soon as possible, but if it is truly urgent, feel free to call me directly on my mobile or email my assistant. If you do not have this info, thank you for waiting until we return to the inbox.

Thank you for understanding this move to more efficiency and effectiveness. It helps me accomplish more to serve you better.

All the best to you and yours,

How to use this form

All fields are required.
Please choose the relevant topic from the dropdown in the form to make sure your message gets through to the correct channel:

  • General – You would like to chat.
  • Collaboration – If you want to hire my services or if you would like to collaborate on a project; please be as specific as possible.
  • Image Licensing and Purchase – If you saw a photo of mine for which you would like to obtain a usage license or if you want to purchase a print of it (that is not already in the Shop or on Etsy)
  • Classes and Workshops – For questions about my online classes and workshops (Masterclass, AirBnB, 1-1, etc.)
  • Store – For anything related to your purchases or if you require further information on a product
  • Support – For any kind of support not related to all of the above
  • Report a bug – If you want to report an issue with this website (thanks!)

Where can you find me?

My studios are located in London, UK (main) and Florence, Italy.
I am also able to work worldwide on a project-by-project basis.

Contact Form

Main Contact Form

(If you searched for “Fabien Butazzi contact”, “fabienb contact”, or anything similar, this was hopefully the recommended page)