Welcome back to another cinematic vlog in the streets, this time for a day to night walk in London. Aside of going out for photography, to me walking is kind of a therapeutical exercise: whenever I feel down or lacking inspiration I just hit the streets. It clears my mind. And if I'm looking for inspiration this clicks briefly after I start taking photos...
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The time has come for some Street Photography workshops in Florence! When I went in the Summer, I was focused on creating content for Fujifilm and couldn't find the time to host them. But I'm back for Xmas now, and now I have a chance to host you at my workshops. There will be 2 workshops, one at night and one all day, and they will be lots of fun. If you...
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You read it right: my Photography workshops are back. The lockdown measures are easing in the UK. This is finally allowing me to restart hosting my photography workshops. Shops are reopening, the safe distance is reduced to “1 metre plus”, and we can have gatherings of up to 6 people… We're getting there. I'm not travelling yet, even though I desperately want to. Therefore, my engagements are limited to London for now....
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I decided to kick off 2019 with a new photographic series on Instagram, all about city lights at night. In London but not only.My feed was never too consistent, despite all the recommendations you hear about making it so. In an effort to achieve better consistency while retaining the diversity of my style, I thought I'd share my photos as a series. This way, a good amount of similar shots will appear...
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