In the ever-evolving landscape of photo editing software, Retouch4me has emerged as a groundbreaking solution that bridges the gap between artificial intelligence and professional retouching needs. This comprehensive suite of tools has revolutionised how photographers and retouchers approach their craft, offering an impressive array of automated solutions while maintaining the flexibility and control that professionals demand. An AI photo retouching software that speeds up and automates your workflow, saving you time to...
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If you’re a creative pro, chances are you’ve heard about the recent controversy regarding the update on Adobe AI Terms of Service. In case you've been off the grid, here's the TL;DR version: Adobe sent a notice informing users that it could access their content via manual and automated methods. This caused a major stir, with many worrying that Adobe might use its users' work to train its AI models. Ever tried...
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Yes, I have indeed just released my first black-and-white presets pack for Adobe Lightroom (and Photoshop)! A couple days ago, I received the news that my photos will be exhibited at the Black-And-White Photographer Of The Year exhibition in New York at the end of February. So I thought it was finally time to release this black-and-white presets pack that I have worked on for so long. Myself, I'm not necessarily a...
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I wrote about Luminosity Masks in Photoshop already on this blog. It's a very powerful technique I use in my landscape and cityscape photography. I find it much more efficacious than letting my camera or software randomly decide what a good HDR photo is. Yes, it may take a bit longer. But the results are far more satisfactory. When I first heard about Luminosity Masks, it seemed quite a complex concept to...
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Dodge and Burn are tools often used by photographers of all kinds to enhance their images. To highlight details, improve contrast, make an element stand out more, brighten up eyes in a portrait… There are plenty of applications. These tools have been available in Photoshop for quite a long time now. But using Dodge and Burn “as is” is not recommended as it would be a “destructive” edit (meaning you cannot undo...
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After updating to Photoshop 2020, I needed to use the Liquify tool. Just for a quick retouch for an Instagram story. So, I launched Photoshop and opened the Liquify tool… And couldn't use it. Moving the mouse, I could see the cursor jumping from one place on the screen to the other every 3-4 seconds. The lag between my hand movement and the response was so bad that it took me half...
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Sharpening Fujifilm Raw files in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. It's a topic that has filled articles for a very long time... Here's my optimal solution.
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Right, the pink supermoon… Or, how things don’t always go to plan.
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Today, the London lockdown is still not as strict as in other cities around the world, but it is a lockdown nonetheless. The measures to fight coronavirus have imposed restrictions on travel, both internally and between countries. And therefore, many places now look like scenes from an apocalyptic Hollywood film. Particularly in those areas where flocks of tourists usually cram every empty corner, the view is very much on the eerie side....
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In this blog, I start disclosing my editing workflow, and the first topic I'd like to introduce is Luminosity Masks. Luminosity Masks are something you might have heard before, mostly if you shoot Landscape/Cityscape. In a nutshell, they are selections based on tones that allow for refined adjustments. In their basic form, they broadly target highlights and/or shadows. But they can be further refined to include mid-tones or narrow down an image's...
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