A guy sitting in the shade and thinking in front of the sea
9th September 2018

There may be a genetic reason for my fascination with the Digital Nomad life. Allow me to elaborate here… And it all begins with the research on our genealogy, started by my aunt in recent times. Thanks to this research, I finally connected the dots. I realised why I’m never at ease settling in and always thrive on travel. Even just to quickly move from one place to another, whatever the term...

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Travel - @fabienb with Stable Diffusion
4th September 2018

And so I'm packing for my month-long travel (longer, actually), and as always, the question is, “What do I bring with me?”. It wasn't always the case, but now I'm used to travelling light—sometimes super light. But that's for a week maximum, while this time, I'll be away for at least a month. I think I've been smart in choosing to travel between countries that will have consistent weather all along; only...

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A very long and windy road, most likely in Iceland
1st September 2018

As I mentioned in my introduction, I'm now packing to go travelling around the world. A long trip that will take me to a few countries in East Asia, North America and Europe (and more on my gear in the next post). It's certainly for pleasure and because it's just what I'm programmed to do. But I also want to connect with as many people as possible while travelling: creatives, digital artists,...

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A man getting on the Tube at a station in London
31st August 2018

I left the default WordPress title to this first post because it actually made perfect sense here. One First, I'm packing my stuff to embark on a month-long trip around the world. And quite literally: I'll be circling the globe, moving East, from my home in London to Seoul and then a few other places, ending in New York before travelling back to Europe and then home. There are other trips already...

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