Remember my Starry Nights short film? No? Well, it's here to watch if you missed it: https://youtu.be/-1xWKCKgwG4 I mention it because I made that short film using the Hoya Sparkle filters, both 4x and 6x variants. These creative filters from Hoya make for very interesting results. But more importantly, they provide consistency and reliability to every image where you want to add a starburst effect (and maybe some soft diffusion). Something that...
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Have you ever heard of the HOYA Sparkle filters before? Me neither. But it looks like this is about to change as Hoya is investing more in marketing to push these. Since I moved to my new studio, quite a few agencies have approached me, offering collaborations. Among them is the professional video, photo and broadcast supplier Holdan who distributes Hoya, as well as Samyang and others. I already use some Hoya...
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