And so, I caught Covid. I had managed to avoid it for 3 years, even when it was spreading in full swing. And in my house, we have always been careful and responsible. But it's happened. I'm sure the Covid variant is far less severe than the one that killed millions worldwide. We're supposed to be at a stage where this should be comparable to influenza, with mild flu symptoms. But I've...
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I just received my first dose of Covid vaccine! Some people have strong opinions against vaccines… Personally, I don't understand the fuss based on a fake reseaarch, but I do respect every opinion. But to me, this is a big deal! And it can be for the future of my channel as well! You see: my photography used to take me abroad for the majority of my time, travelling around the world...
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London lockdown, again… England is entering its second national lockdown phase today as Coronavirus/Covid-19 cases have risen sharply. This gives me the opportunity to finally present my London lockdown photography project on YouTube. Back when I took the photos, I wasn't producing content for my channel yet. So, unfortunately, I didn't film my usual POV footage. However, I did document the empty streets of London in a few eerie images. I wasn't...
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The Tate Gallery reopens this week after a four-month closure due to the pandemic. Actually, all Tate galleries across the UK. I'm very happy this is finally happening, not just as a Tate member but also as an art lover and photographer. The Tate, specifically the Tate Modern, is a massive playground for all London-based street photographers. Its architecture may not appeal to everyone. I, for one, am not necessarily a fan...
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Today, the London lockdown is still not as strict as in other cities around the world, but it is a lockdown nonetheless. The measures to fight coronavirus have imposed restrictions on travel, both internally and between countries. And therefore, many places now look like scenes from an apocalyptic Hollywood film. Particularly in those areas where flocks of tourists usually cram every empty corner, the view is very much on the eerie side....
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When I wrote my post about what to expect from me in 2020, coronavirus (Covid-19) had not yet made the news front pages. In these past few days, I took some time to reflect on the situation. On what it means for my business. This is still a work in progress, but some decisions are to be made. Since I began this journey as a professional photographer, travel has always been the...
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