Street Photographer Of The Year 2023
27th December 2022

“Street Photographer Of The Year” for 2022. What a way to end the year! I woke up this morning and checked emails while sipping my coffee… Surprisingly, I found this totally unexpected, belated Christmas gift! For all of you in the Chicago area, my selected photo will be displayed at the Bridgeport Art Center from the 21st of July to the 1st of September, 2023. For those who cannot attend, there is...

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Covid 19 mask of plague AI
5th December 2022

And so, I caught Covid. I had managed to avoid it for 3 years, even when it was spreading in full swing. And in my house, we have always been careful and responsible. But it's happened. I'm sure the Covid variant is far less severe than the one that killed millions worldwide. We're supposed to be at a stage where this should be comparable to influenza, with mild flu symptoms. But I've...

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Summer break
1st July 2021

Time for me to take a little break. I'll be travelling in July and August. Returning to my beloved hometowns, Florence and Paris, to see family and friends after almost 2 years (614 days). I will see you all back here in September with new content and all the news. And maybe… maybe… a new Fujifilm camera? Did you find this article useful? Submit Cancel Thanks for your feedback!

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One Minute Message
29th April 2021

I just received my first dose of Covid vaccine! Some people have strong opinions against vaccines… Personally, I don't understand the fuss based on a fake reseaarch, but I do respect every opinion. But to me, this is a big deal! And it can be for the future of my channel as well! You see: my photography used to take me abroad for the majority of my time, travelling around the world...

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Burnt Banksy NFT, a digital artist perspective
10th April 2021

NFTs, the acronym tripping off everyone's tongues these days. We might have a certain shredded Banksy artwork to thank for that surge in interest, but allow me to share my own perspective on this whole situation. Brace yourself; there might be a hint of bias (ahem, towards preserving art!), but I'll try my best to keep things balanced. Navigating the crypto-verse can be a bit overwhelming for the uninitiated. If “fungible tokens”...

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full time Fujifilm photographer
14th January 2021

The two questions people ask me most frequently are why I shoot with Fujifilm cameras and how I decided to be a full-time Fujifilm photographer. Because of the lockdown, I'm spending more time in the studio now, so this is a chance for another talking head video and time to answer these recurring questions. It was probably always in the cards, as Fujifilm has been with me since the beginning. But it's...

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Fujifilm X-T1 black
23rd April 2020

I'm often asked why I shoot Fujifilm, rather than maybe follow the latest trends on YouTube and go with Sony or any big DSLR... Trust is, it happened by chance. Here's how.

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12th March 2020

When I wrote my post about what to expect from me in 2020, coronavirus (Covid-19) had not yet made the news front pages. In these past few days, I took some time to reflect on the situation. On what it means for my business. This is still a work in progress, but some decisions are to be made. Since I began this journey as a professional photographer, travel has always been the...

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Food blog (Furikake finger food)
10th December 2019

Not many people know about it, but I was the first Italian male food blogger. I started writing La Cuisine de Fabien in early 2006. Only a few food blogs existed back then, and even only a few blogs in general. I was looking for a recipe online and found a couple websites that looked like they were written by “normal” people (as in “not professional chefs”). Being much less of a...

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you got talent
17th October 2019

I feel like I need to write a few words about talent. It's something I thought about after some feedback I received following my recent attempt to immerse myself in the world of Street Photography. You might have seen the results in my Instagram feed and stories (@fabienb) or in the Highlights. Or in some recent blog posts. Among the feedback I received were comments like “you're very talented” or “you're very...

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graphic designer studio portfolio stable diffusion illustration ink
16th September 2019

I know this will sound incomprehensible to most of you: I don’t have a public portfolio on my website. Which looks pretty counterintuitive for a Designer.This article (first published on is not meant to be a suggestion to ditch your own. This works for me for reasons I will elaborate on here, but it might be the wrong choice for everybody else. It could also be for me, but since making...

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mental health, depression, lonely man on a sofa, stable diffusion, illustration, ink, therapy
15th September 2019

– So, I went to see your dad yesterday. He asked me if you’re well.– Uh, yeah. I guess. Why did he ask?– He said the last time he saw you, you never smiled.– Oh. Well, maybe I was tired for the travel.– Then he said he saw your cousin, and he also mentioned when you two met. He felt you were not well either.– Oh, really? This is pretty much when...

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