creative block and how to overcome it with a photo challenge
25th September 2021

We all encounter a creative block at least once in our lives. We've all been there, right? Staring at our camera, feeling about as inspired as a rock. Creative block is the worst, but fear not! I've got a super fun trick up my sleeve that'll have you snapping away in no time. Plus, you might even learn a new skill or two along the way! So, here's the scoop. I was...

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Post Lockdown Challenge London Chinatown Street Photography POV
18th June 2020

First day of shops reopening in the UK and I immediately went out for a post-lockdown Street Photo challenge in Chinatown.You can watch it unfold on my YouTube channel! :) Filming and editing for YouTube is so much fun. I really feel silly for having procrastinated for so long. I had always found plenty of excuses that, in the end, didn't matter at all. Yes, I'm nervous being on the other side...

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