become a better photographer
22nd January 2021

If you ever want to become a better Photographer, there is one thing you need to start doing right now. Particularly when you're starting this new career, it's very easy to fall into traps. You buy a new camera because you saw all the great examples of what it can do in YouTube videos or Instagram posts, and you go straight out capturing everything you see. You find your photographer “role-models” and...

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you got talent
17th October 2019

I feel like I need to write a few words about talent. It's something I thought about after some feedback I received following my recent attempt to immerse myself in the world of Street Photography. You might have seen the results in my Instagram feed and stories (@fabienb) or in the Highlights. Or in some recent blog posts. Among the feedback I received were comments like “you're very talented” or “you're very...

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