What is a Full Moon Photography workshop? I'm sure by now you have seen that NASA often publishes striking images of the full moon aligned with famous landmarks. There's a photo by an Italian photographer published a couple of months ago that has become quite famous. And for good reasons, because the alignment is simply spot on. Something that obviously requires lots of knowledge and preparation. Well, these things can be taught....
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I recently asked an AI, in this case Microsoft's Copilot AI, to produce a creative blog post to promote my new Full Moon Photography workshops in London. The result was, at times, both hilarious and poetic, so I decided to publish this anyway. Though it may not be all made-up nonsense: in fact, the band Pearl Jam decided to turn into music and lyrics the same Super Blood Wolf Moon I had...
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I had the opportunity to use the new Fujifilm XF 8mm F/3.5 the day it was announced—almost out of the blue. I asked one of my contacts at Fujifilm if they had the 8-16mm lens at hand because I needed an ultra-wide angle lens to photograph an apartment for Airbnb. The spaces were a bit restrictive, so I wanted the widest non-fisheye lens in the Fujifilm range. Luckily, a magazine reviewer had...
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World Travel Market London just closed the door on its 43rd edition. It is one of the most significant events in the Travel industry, and it is always stimulating to wander around and talk with travel professionals. There are tour operators, national and local tourism boards, tech companies, etc., all under one roof for 3 days of talks, networking and fun. The last time I visited the World Travel Market was pre-pandemic....
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The time has come for some Street Photography workshops in Florence! When I went in the Summer, I was focused on creating content for Fujifilm and couldn't find the time to host them. But I'm back for Xmas now, and now I have a chance to host you at my workshops. There will be 2 workshops, one at night and one all day, and they will be lots of fun. If you...
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Beautica Magazine (website – instagram) is an internationally publishing magazine about all kinds of creative Fashion, Beauty, Nude and Boudoir. They partnered with myself and a pool of talented London-based photographers to create a special edition for Halloween 2021. And 15% of all sales are donated to the Great Ormond Hospital for Children in London, so it’s also a great opportunity to do good.
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Unveiling London's Magic: Bite-Sized Street Photography Workshops for Busy Lives… London, a city that thrums with life, history etched onto every brick. For photographers, the city is a playground of potential masterpieces waiting to be captured. But what if you, the busy Londoner, find yourself yearning to delve into the world of Street Photography yet lack the time for a full-day workshop? Perhaps you feel like your 9-to-5 office life leaves you...
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You read it right: my Photography workshops are back. The lockdown measures are easing in the UK. This is finally allowing me to restart hosting my photography workshops. Shops are reopening, the safe distance is reduced to “1 metre plus”, and we can have gatherings of up to 6 people… We're getting there. I'm not travelling yet, even though I desperately want to. Therefore, my engagements are limited to London for now....
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Yes, prints are now on sale in my shop! You probably remember my post about what to expect from me this year (don't worry if you don't, here's the link). So you know this was due. I started selling prints even before I established my photography business. The first time it happened, I had not planned for it at all. I posted my photo of the sunrise over the Haleakalā volcano in...
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When I wrote my post about what to expect from me in 2020, coronavirus (Covid-19) had not yet made the news front pages. In these past few days, I took some time to reflect on the situation. On what it means for my business. This is still a work in progress, but some decisions are to be made. Since I began this journey as a professional photographer, travel has always been the...
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So, what can you expect from me in 2020? If you follow me on Instagram (like you should, @fabienb) you may have noticed how I've gone quiet in December. This is often the case for me. This is the month I look back at all that happened during the year and then prepare for the new one. This time is also the start of the new decade. How exciting! With the Christmas...
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I feel like I need to write a few words about talent. It's something I thought about after some feedback I received following my recent attempt to immerse myself in the world of Street Photography. You might have seen the results in my Instagram feed and stories (@fabienb) or in the Highlights. Or in some recent blog posts. Among the feedback I received were comments like “you're very talented” or “you're very...
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